Ray J walked up to Hot 97 and sit down with Nessa to give us an update on what has been going on with his life lately, his brand new show, and some of the rumors that have been going around lately.
He was asked about yesterdays big rumor that he knew about the Kim Kardashian leak before it was even released.
“It’s old,” he said. “Everybody always wants to make it more than what it is. Every week, or every two months it’s something new about that same thing 10 years ago.”
Ray J is also shared why he was so in love with Princess Love.
“She don’t take my stuff,” he said. “When I’m doing bad she always tries to check the situation and make me good. She has something that she stands for as a woman. She’s independent. And she’s like a female version of me sort-to-speak.”
If you’re going out though, you might want Ray J by his side because he admits that he’s the perfect wingman.
“I am the greatest wingman,” he said admitting that one of the people he hooked up would break the internet.
His new show Driven to Love premieres Friday, April 1 at 10pm.