Please Congratulate The World Champ!!! Congrats to my brother DJ J. Espinosa on this incredible WIN. He is now the WORLD CHAMP for the Red Bull 3Style competition. J used to dream of dj’ing around the world, winning big competitions since I can remember. Seeing him make all of his dreams come true, really makes my heart so happy. While he may be across the world he is always representing #imwithkap ❤️ His win is a win for all the djs who love to dj for the ART, for the love of music. One of the many things I admire about J, he ALWAYS shows love to other djs, always recognizes the greats before him and big ups the ones that come after him (JCole Middle Child vibe). If y’all knew J, then you know his win is not just his personal win, but it’s a win for all good people. Congrats, J!
– Nessa