In this week’s episode of the Nessa Off Air Podcast, Nessa and Katrina B are talking weddings… EXPENSIVE ONES! But before they get into it, they recap a recent conversation about the one and only artist known as Prince. They recently interviewed musician Robin Thicke and some GREAT STORIES about Prince began flying around. Would YOU date Prince if he asked you out? Apparently, he asked out Halle Berry… tune in to find out what she said!
Back to weddings… How much would YOU spend on your wedding? Well it turns out the more couples spend, more likely and FASTER they tend to DIVORCE! OH SNAP!!! Check out the full episode to find out why this is true and find out what Nessa and Katrina B think about how much they think should be spent.
Lastly, more updates on the AI frontier! Katrina B is becoming an AI savant! Find out some of her tips and tricks on how she has been using it to power up her life!
❤️ LISTEN NOW everywhere you get your podcasts or WATCH the full episode on YouTube at
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