⭐️ Congrats to producer Katrina B on her second Gracie Award two years in a row! While most of the time we hear Nessa getting on Katrina B about her seemingly endless to-do list and missed deadlines, in this episode Nessa wears her heart out on her sleeve and they share a really heartfelt moment as Nessa shows her appreciation for the work that she puts in! ❤️ But we probably shouldn’t get too used to that!

The two of them quickly jump back into their usual back and forth… this time discussing why they believe what led to Justin Timberlake’s irresponsible night in the Hamptons and arrest for driving while intoxicated. The two have some VERY interesting thoughts on the matter!

Next in another AI development, Nessa and Katrina explore how having AI avatars of themselves to attend meetings and take notes would be the best thing in their lives! What do YOU think about that?

Finally, these two reminisce about the singer Selena and discuss the docuseries Selena And Yolanda: The Secrets Between Them and the impending possibility that her killer Yolanda Saldivar may be up for parole next year 👀

Don’t miss this fun and exciting episode of the Nessa Off Air Podcast! If you like what you see, be sure to hit that FOLLOW / SUBSCRIBE button and turn on your notifications for all the latest content from Nessa! You can also WATCH the podcast on YouTube at